Debunking a Myth…Maine is NOT cold 365 days a year…

My Twitter friend, @top20reos always has a respectful yet wise comeback when I tweet about Maine in the winter, or when I insist that our winter doesn’t start 3 weeks from now! Of course, he is from Florida, so it’s not an easy task to convince a Floridan of our beautiful Maine weather, any time of year. So Jeff, this post is for you…

Do you see gloomy gray skies? I don’t. Here’s an earlier post with regard to this same subject displays more photos and reasons why Maine is beautiful all year…

1 thought on “Debunking a Myth…Maine is NOT cold 365 days a year…”

  1. Morning Dana- those are beautiful shots. Although I suspect they were taken on (or around) the 4th of July I now feel certain that Maine is still very comfortable with appropriate survival gear! Best wishes from your twitter friend Jeff, aka @top20reos

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